Featured Article

(Robert F. Turner)


The gospel accounts of the life of Christ are unique in that they depict him as one having lived without sin. They even record Jesus himself as claiming sinlessness (Jo. 8:46). Thus one cannot ignore the significance and implications of...

 THE PERFECT LIFE OF CHRIST. Some affirm that this perfect life was lived in order that it might be imputed to us for righteousness and use Rom. 5:10 for proof. But, look at the context. Rom. 4:25 speaks of the death of Christ and his resurrected life, ("delivered up...raised." Vss. 6,8,9 follows with repeated references to the death and blood of Christ. Then vs. 10, "reconciled to God through the death of his son" - "saved by his life." It is his life following his death - not vice versa - of which the apostle Paul speaks.

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