

Bulletin November 8, 2020

Good Intentions

Have you ever done anything wrong when you were only trying to help? Maybe you offered to help but you became more of a hindrance. Or perhaps disaster struck as you were attending to do something kind. In Judges 8, it appears that Gideon tried to do a good thing but the result was tragic. Impressed by the conquest of the Midianites, the men of Israel asked Gideon to be heir king. Fortunately, he refused (Judges 8:22,23). Judges 8:23, “But Gideon said to them ‘I will not rule over you, nor shall my son rule over you; the LORD shall rule over you.” But then he asked them t donate gold earrings (from their conquests) which he made into an “ephod” (v.27). This was a sacred garment originally worn by the high priest. The Breastplate was connected to it, which contained the Urim and the Thummin. These were gems or stones of some type that were used to determine God’s Will in matters. It seems that Gideon wanted God to rule over the people. He was not going to rule and was trying to provide some spiritual leadership for the people. While his motivation may have been good, God certainly hadn’t told him to do this. Gideon did not ask the Lord what was best for Israel. When Gideon set up the ephod in Ophrah (his city) it drew the people’s attention away from worship of the Lord and led them into idolatry (v.27). “All Israel played the harlot with it there, so that it became a snare to Gideon and his household.” As soon as Gideon died, the people had no trouble going back to worshiping the Baals (v.33). Judges 8:33, “Then it came about, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the sons of Israel again played the harlot with the Baals, and made Baal-berith their god.” Gideon may have had good intentions, but he made the mistake of acting without consulting the Lord. Let us be careful not to allow anything to take our eyes off of God. It will nead us and others astray. Good intentions are no substitute for obedience. Judges 8:34,35, “Thus the children of Israel did not remember the LORD their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side; 35 nor did they show kindness to the house of Jerubbaal (Gideon) in accordance with the good he had done for Israel.”


THE SICK. Elizabeth Keller has been admitted to the NEA Baptist with low sodium levels and undergoing tests… Wanda Camp broke her foot while working in the yard…Dean Markle is dealing with continued health issue Re.member him… This bulletin was prepared early so listen today for updated news. Shut-ins: Charles Bradsher is at St. Elizabeth’s…Beverly Allen is confined at home…Gail Brooks has been unable to be out…Shirley Coots is confined at Walnut Ridge Nursing Home…Norma Carr is at Randolph County Nursing Home in Pocahontas

 BEREAVED. We extend our sympathy to Nola Christenberry on the death of her mother, Edna French. Her funeral was yesterday in Thayer, MO. Continue to pray for those who are losing loved ones.

GOSPEL MEETINGS April 4-9, 2021 –Stoneridge! – Mickey Galloway Dec 5 – StoneRidge Annual Singing

A fellow doesn’t have to take off his religion when he puts on his work clothes.

We’re always developing new building materials to make houses last longer – but not homes.

Almost everybody wants to be better – but not right now.

You can’t build character for a man – but you could show him a pattern to follow.

Today’s behavior is vitally important in your life because all of life is made up of nothing but todays.