

"We May Not Be The Church You're Looking For..."

Are you tired of country clubs that masquerade as churches? Do you wish churches today were more spiritually minded and would get back to being what they are supposed to be?

We at the Stone Street church of Christ try to specialize in being just a church, not a sportsplex. The Bible is our only creed and is the source book for all our classes and sermons. We believe it to be the final answer to all matters of a religious and moral nature. The reasons? We are committed to its author. We believe truth is absolute since it is the only thing that can make us free (John 8:32). The Bible says those who have no love for truth will be damned (2 Thess. 2:10-12).

Many churches have merged the sacred and secular to the point that one can no longer distinguish the two. In such a time as this, we are trying to call men back to the Scriptures. The "social gospel" is another gospel from that taught by Christ and his apostles (Gal.1:6-9). Jesus made a distinction between earthly things and heavenly things-things which originated in the mind of God versus those which originated in the minds of mere men (John 3:12;Mark 11:30). So must we. That's why we are trying to be just a church, after the New Testament pattern.

We welcome investigation and have nothing to hide. We may not be the church you’re looking for—but we hope we are!