

How We React

We have all seen different temperaments in our children. One child must be spanked continually, while another one breaks out in tears with a word or look of disapproval. As parents, we are always trying to get at the heart of our children. We continue to train each child, according to their need, so that when they are teenagers they will heed our words without the use of a rod. With some children, this is a challenging job. 

But how hard is it for God to train us?  Do we have the easily touched heart when we are confronted with sin? Are we truly grieved and repent quickly when we disappoint our Father? Like David, do we turn from our sinful ways in full repentance when we learn that we are the man? Or, are we like Pharaoh, so hard hearted that lesson after lesson, plague after plague does not soften our hearts to Gods love (Heb. 12:8)? 

Determine now to soften your heart. Repent quickly and completely and return to your Father who only wants the best for you and loves you.  Prov. 17:10 "Rebuke is more effective for a wise man than a hundred blows on a fool." 

~John McPherson