

Fighting the Right War for the Wrong Reason

I sometimes feel as if we are fighting the right war but for the wrong reason. As Christians, we are fighting against “the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). In other words, our fight is against Satan and all of his allies. However, the reason for the fight, the purpose behind every battle, is the salvation of souls, both our own and those around us. The purpose is not to change society. Society has its own agenda and that agenda is not in accordance with the Word and will of God. Society feels much stronger about their perceived right of the individual than they do what God says is right for the individual.

Consider the issue of same sex marriage. Sometimes it appears that our main objection to same sex marriage is how bad it will be for this country. This is most certainly true and we should, as American citizens, do whatever we can to make this country better, including taking a stand against immoral practices that infiltrate our borders. However, that is secondary. Some Christians seem to have more love for this country than they do the souls that constitute it. The truth is this country is in a moral mess, and it is not going to get better; it is going to get worse and worse. This great country of ours takes the wrong side of almost every moral issue I can think of, from abortion to homosexuality. As Christians, we aren’t going to win the moral fight because the majority of the country stands against us. We can, however, win one soul at a time, and that is our real fight. Our fight is not to make the U.S. a better country. Our fight is to win souls for Christ. Remember, this world is not our home; we are just pilgrims passing through. When we lose sight of this, we find our-selves fighting for the wrong reason and even sometimes think that we are on the losing side of the war. No, we are definitely winning. We just need to remember what the war is all about.