

Deer Hunter Chooses Death

A deer hunter in Indianapolis, Indiana, fell out of a tree stand and suffered a severe spinal injury which paralyzed him from the shoulders down. The 32-year-old man was asked if he wanted to live in that state, to which he emphatically answered “no.” Life support was removed and he died five hours later.

Certainly the great Judge of all the earth will do what is right for this man (Genesis 18:25), and I do not wish to judge him lest I be found in error in my judging. But the article went on to say that “…it’s important that patients have the right to self-determination” []. I do not believe that God has given man the “right” to decide when to end his life! I believe that decision belongs to God. There are times when God’s Word authorizes the taking of human life, as in the case of capital punishment (Romans 13:4-6). And there is no biblical stipulation requiring extraordinary measures be used to maintain life when it cannot be extended. In other words, when death is certain and imminent, life support may be removed.

However, in the case of this paralyzed 32-year-old man, he had the hope of living many years and doctors could not be certain that he would be paralyzed for the rest of his life. How often have doctors declared that someone would never walk again, only to be proven wrong? How many times have doctors declared that a certain patient would be dead from cancer within six weeks, only to see them conquer that dreaded disease? Therefore, we must be extremely careful in making our decisions in life. We cannot tread on the territory that belongs exclusively to God!

I absolutely sympathize with this young man and his family, and I can understand his desire not to want to live under such difficult circumstances. But as a Christian, I know that every step we take in life should be directed by God’s Word and His will for us. It would take extraordinary courage to choose death knowing that the next thing we face is God in judgment!

Dear reader, study your Bible carefully, see what God says about the subject of “euthanasia” under any circumstance, and realize that the Divine commandment “Thou shalt not kill” applies as much to ourselves as it does to others.