

According To Its Kind

In the Genesis account every living thing was created “according to its kind” (Gen. 1:212425). Some arguments over origins never get anywhere because of a lack of communication. The word “kind” is not to be equated with “species.” “Kind” allows for variation {micro-evolution}. But one “kind” does not evolve into another “kind” {macro-evolution, also known as the general theory of evolution or organic evolution, which eliminates God}.

Believers in the biblical account recognize variation. In the horse family there is a wide variety of sizes, colors and characteristics, including the mule (offspring of a male donkey and female horse) and the zonkey or donkra, offspring of a zebra and a donkey. But eventually they reach the end of their kind and cannot reproduce. Their DNA prevents further offspring. For example, a horse and an ostrich cannot reproduce because they are different kinds. Nor can a zebra and a hippopotamus, for the same reason.

There is wide variety in the dog family (sizes, colors, features), but they remain dogs. Dogs cannot reproduce with different animals that are not of their kind.

There is great variety among humans. The smallest man on record was 2 feet, 5 inches, while the tallest was 8 feet, 11.1 inches. Humans have differences in personality, color of hair, eyes and skin, etc. What we see today is micro-evolution (variety within kinds), not macro-evolution (one kind changing into another kind). But they are all humans. Humans reproduce other humans. But apes and humans cannot reproduce because they are different kinds. Their God-given DNA prevents it. There are boundaries that cannot be crossed.

Another reason Bible believers reject the general theory of evolution is because there is scant evidence. Darwin had surmised, “The number of intermediate and transitional links between all living and extinct species must have been inconceivably great” (Charles Darwin, THE ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES, 1872” p.266). Yet, over 100 years later, renowned evolutionist Stephen J. Gould said “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology, the evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches: the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of the fossils” (Stephen J. Gould and Niles Eldridge, 1977, NaturaJ History 86, p.12-16, May).

Regardless of the millions of years evolutionists claim it took for man to evolve, at some point, either: (1) A non-human gave birth to a human, or (2) A non-human evolved into a human during its own lifetime. There is no scientific evidence for either of these. Yet, one of these must have occurred if the general theory of evolution is true.

The belief that man is just an animal is the basis for much of the immorality seen in the world today.